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CoolDown.io: Educational sustainability games

Developing games that educate on the energy transition and sustainability.

CoolDown.io: Educational sustainability games

3D table-top web game prototype with Three.js: Prototype Link (Not in work anymore). Unity 2D tower defense pixel art game: cool-down.io/games


While traveling the world on a gap year in 2023/24, I wanted to learn a new aspect of software development: games. Building on my web development skills, I started by creating a web browser tabletop game concept prototype using the JavaScript library three.js. The prototype turned out well, but I realized that without the tools offered by a game development environment, it would be a lot of work to turn the prototype into a full game and publish it.


So I started from scratch again, this time in Unity, with the idea to create a simple 2D tower defense game: WattWars. Think Plant vs Zombies but with energy towers. The game is stll in devellopment but a full 10/15 minutes demo will be available in September.